DBAhosting is part of DBA Design. We started off hosting websites designed and built by DBADesign and now we have the ability to offer our hosting solution to customers who don’t need our webdesign service.
We don’t set our prices based on bandwidth or size of website (within reason! see Terms of Use) and we don’t limit your website with banners and popups or adverts for us. Instead we try and concentrate on excellent business class web hosting, building the account around you and what you need either giving you full creative control on a standard WordPress platform or a full cpanel account to build your site.
Our web hosting packages utilise Litespeed PHP and Zend OpCache to improve website performance.
What does this mean?
Webpages load much faster, providing a better user experience for your customers.
We’ve also worked with Let’s Encrypt to give our web hosting customers unlimited free wildcard SSL certificates. Win, win!
We use all UK based web servers and are a Bournemouth based company.
Company reg number: 05475351
70 Seabourne Road Bournemouth Dorset BH5 2HT